Practice Self-Care and make yourself a Priority.

The first step in practicing self-care is to take care of your body. In order to do this it is important to:
—Eat a healthy diet
—Get enough sleep

Start Today

Disconnect from Electronics and Social Media.

Consider adding an electronics-free time period to your day. Taking time to unplug and disconnect from the constant stream of emails and alerts will allow you to interact with people face to face and will help reduce the feelings of FOMO that social media can often stir-up.

Start Today

Engage in Activities that provide meaning.

Partake in activities that make you feel happy, productive, and challenge your creativity. Whether through drawing, taking an exercise class, going out to dinner with friends or caring for a pet, spending quality time with those who matter to you can make you feel good.

Start Today

Engage in Meditation and/or Mindfulness.

Relaxation exercises can improve your state of mind and outlook on life. In fact, research shows that meditation may help you feel calmer.

Start Today

Untangled Psychology

Your Story Matters

At Untangled Psychology, we are committed to alleviating the suffering caused by mental illness by providing support and aid in dealing with the issue at its core that will ultimately enable people to live full, happy and productive lives.

There are many ways to get involved with us! We are always seeking like-minded individuals to collaborate with us. We strive off of the impact our volunteers make, so reach out to us if you are interested.

Mental health is an often under-funded area of global development. Therefore, any donation you can make will go directly towards expansion of our mission.

About Us

Our mission is to create a Stigma free community that fosters a shared approach to mental wellness—free of shame and embarrassment. We are committed to eliminating the stigma surrounding mental illness through education, training, and providing access to cost-effective, high-quality care.

We are proud to say that Untangled Psychology has been focused on community-level systemic change. Through close collaboration with local stakeholders including: teachers, village & community leaders, local governments, and clinicians—we have been able to continuously modify our programs to deliver a human-centered approach to mental health care.

With a vision of Widening the horizons of Mental Health to ensure its recognition, importance and acceptance as a necessary component of society, Untangled Psychology has a laser sharp focus on Inclusion. We do so by placing emphasis on sensitizing, educating and enabling the participation of not just family but also immediate and larger communities within society. ​We aim to change perceptions on Mental Illness by awareness outreach and networking within the various social communities that are relevant to the reintegration of people with Mental Illness.

What is Mental Health?

Mental health refers to cognitive, behavioral, and emotional well-being. It is all about how people think, feel, and behave. People sometimes use the term “mental health” to mean the absence of a mental disorder.

“Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

The WHO stress that mental health is “more than just the absence of mental disorders or disabilities.” Peak mental health is about not only avoiding active conditions but also looking after ongoing wellness and happiness.

They also emphasize that preserving and restoring mental health is crucial on an individual basis, as well as throughout different communities and societies the world over.

Risk Factors

Common Risk Factors

> Family history of mental health problems
> Traumatic life experiences, such as rape or serving in the armed forces
> Use of alcohol or drugs
> Poor nutrition and lack of sleep
> Stressful life situations, such as financial problems or breaking the law
> Recent loss, either by death, divorce, or other means
> Being in an abusive relationship or friendship
> Conflicting thoughts or doubts surrounding deep religious beliefs
> Low self-esteem, perceived incompetence, negative view of life
> Bullying, either as the victim or perpetrator

Common Protective Factors

> Secure Attachment as a child
> Healthy diet, exercise, and development
> Reliable support and discipline from caregivers
> Emotional self-regulation
> Ability to make friends and get along with others
> Supportive relationship with family
> Participation in sports team, club, community, or religious group
> Economic/Financial Security
> Subjective sense of self-sufficiency
> Good coping skills and problem solving skills

Protective Factors

Identifying Early Signs Of Mental Health Issues

The early signs and symptoms of mental health issues can vary, depending on the specific disorder, an individual’s circumstances, and other environmental factors. These issues will often affect an individual’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.




People Served


Remedial Lectures


Queries Responded

Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved with us! We are always seeking like-minded individuals to collaborate with us. We strive off of the impact our volunteers make, so reach out to us if you are interested.

Mental health is an often under-funded area of global development. Therefore, any donation you can make will go directly towards expansion of our mission.


We love working with other like-minded individuals, agencies, organizations who share our vision. Please reach out to us if you would like to collaborate on workshops, programming, campaigns or anything else your creative mind thinks of to elevate our mission!

Make a Donation

Your donation will catalyze us to bring our vision and programming to many more individuals and communities. Learn more about how you can host an event, start a fundraiser, or donate through your company!

Impacting Testimonials

Thanks to all our awesome testimonials! There are hundreds of our happy supporters!

“You don’t have to be positive all the time. It’s perfectly okay to feel sad, angry, annoyed, frustrated, scared and anxious. Having feelings doesn’t make you a negative person. It makes you human.”